2020 AGM Notice
General | 26th February 2020 | 0Dear Member,
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Cricket Club will be held on Friday 20th March 2020 at the The Cock Inn Public House, Ide Hill commencing at 20.00 hours.
The Agenda will be as follows:
- Apologies for absence.
- Minutes of the 2019 Annual General Meeting.
- Matters arising.
- Chairman’s report
- Treasurers report and receipt of audited accounts for the 2019 season.
- Election of Officers and Auditor
- Review of Club Subscriptions for the 2020 season.
- Matters received by Secretary in writing up to 14 days prior to the AGM.
- Any other business
Yours Sincerely.
Bob Richards
Hon Secretary.
Secretarys Note
The AGM approaches and I would urge as many as possible to attend. Amongst other matters this meeting is an opportunity for you to vote on who you believe best to be on the Committee and run the clubs affairs both on and off the pitch.
We have been very fortunate to have had many years of service in the past from some members who put in hours and hours of work often unseen, unacknowledged and unpaid and we will be losing several of our current Committee members over the next few years. New ideas, fresh thinking and renewed commitment is required from YOU as current club members.
All positions on the Committee are open for anyone to take on and we are actively looking to fill these if not this season then for the 2021 season. We are especially keen to find a Groundsman, Bar Chairman, Secretary, Child Welfare Officer/s and ideally a few people prepared to train as Coaches.
Arguably most importantly, 2020 see’s us in need of new 1st XI and 2nd XI Captains. Both Alex and Dominic have carried out both these roles excellently over the past couple of seasons but they are not able to continue this season and therefore please put some thought to possible suitors for these hugely important roles. It is also worth mentioning that being a Captain also means having to attend as many Committee meetings as possible not just being an on field presence.
Meetings are held on the first Sunday of every month usually at the club or the Four Elms Pub so it should be easy to fit in your diary. We try to keep these gatherings as short as possible and aim to get matters discussed, decided and plans of action arranged so meetings don’t drag on for hours.
Some people do or have had to occupy several positions on the Committee which is not a particularly good thing as these people become over pressured and start to lose focus on one job in favour of another whilst juggling their own day to day lives. From a Club and Committee perspective people with multiple roles means potentially we do not have a quorum of people to carry out effective meetings and also new ideas and ways of getting things done are lumbered on the same shoulders.
So please, if you can consider taking on a roll please put your hands up. Most positions only take up a few hours a week if that and as a club it benefits both 1st and 2nd Elevens and all members if a committee involving a spread of varied people make up our management.
I look forward to seeing you at the AGM.
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